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Wind Generated Electricity on a Windless Day
May - June 2022    

A battery that runs on ocean water recently won a prestigious award at CES 2022. The Ocean Grazer Hydro Powered Battery System will enable wind generation farms to produce mega amounts of electricity even when the air is completely still. How it adapted hydro electric generation to store electricity on the ocean floor is explained and the article also shows how this could become a game changer that could vastly increase our ability to get our electricity from wind and solar generation farms that are located in the waters off our coastline. Article contains photos and video.

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Seeing Inside the Human Body Via the Ultrasound Postage Stamp Sized Patch

August/September 2022    
     We are going to look at a major breakthrough which shrinks the equipment and process performed by today’s ultrasound equipment down in size so the hardware that creates the ultrasound is a stick-on patch the size of a US postage stamp. See photo 1 and 2.
     The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Mayo Clinic engineering breakthrough will change the size and place where an ultrasound might take place after the device receives proper approval for medical use.

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Why are Bi-Directional Charging Electric Vehicles Critical to Future Sales of EVs
October 2022

     To stop selling fossil fuel powered cars by 2023 we need to upgrade the power grid and install Bi-Directional Charging systems into all new Electric Vehicles. Nissan, Volvo, and GM have now all announced that they will be including this system in their 2023 or 2024 electric vehicles. An EV with this type of charging system could provide electricity to your home (V2H) during a blackout and hopefully in the near future stabilize the electric grid (V2G) to prevent power blackouts. Major sales of EVs without this technology is unsustainable.

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A team of researchers recently won a prestigious award for their major breakthrough in plastic recycling. They developed enzymes that can be embedded into new plastics as they are being manufactured into products. When these plastics are recycled the self-destruct enzymes can be activated. In just a few days the plastic will completely decompose. Even microplastic and nano-plastic particles will be untraceable.
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TechnologyToday November/December 2022 Column
Self-Destructing Plastics That Completely Decompose
Even microplastic and nano-plastic particles will be untraceable.
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Fly Like the Jetsons in the Maca Flight S11 Carcopter 
March/April 2022        

The Meca S11 carcopter e-racer is a vertical takeoff and landing electric flying car that converts hydrogen into electricity. The first generation of the Meca carcopter will prove its ability doing formula 1 style E-plane racing 10 to 12 feet off the ground. Its Semi-Automatic Pilot is capable of keeping the carcopter safely in the air and its “Dynamic & Cognitive Safety” features can prevent collisions with structures or other aircraft. Publicly owned carcopters are planned with auto pilot tech that could provide full autonomous flying.

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Fly Like the Jetsons in the Maca Flight S11 Carcopter 
The Metaverse - Our Current Internet on Steroid
Jan/Feb 2022

The metaverse could enrich our internet through the inclusion of three Dimensional (3D) content, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. Our current gateway to the internet is a cyberspace of infinite possibilities. We currently access it all using our computers, tablets, smartphones, and for some VR headsets. Because computing power continues to grow we can expect new hardware, software, and apps that expand the depth of our experiences when we use digital devices at home, work, school, in our cars, and even when we shop on line or in malls.

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Flood Proofing Homes Using Amphibious Construction
Flood Proofing Homes Using Amphibious Construction
     Since the start of this century the number of people worldwide that are now living in a flood zone has increased by 24 percent. There is a need to engineer flood adaptation construction strategies that could allow people to comfortably build or rebuild their homes so that they can safely live in dry homes even in areas that tend to frequently flood.
     In this column we will look at two solutions that allow a home to move vertically out of the way of rising flood waters. This amazing house can stay horizontally in the same place while it moves eight feet + vertically to stay above flooding waters.

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Fauna-Eyeglasses Combine Sight and Sound
Fauna Eyeglasses
Combine Sight and Sound

October 2021

Fauna eyeglasses have integrated into their frames Bluetooth technology plus Micro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) beam forming microphones and speakers. This allows the wearer to make and receive phone calls or listen to music without anything in their ears. The Fauna frames are physically light in weight (1.8 ounces) even though they are loaded with micro sized electronic components.
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Creating Oxygen and Rocket Fuel on Mars     
April/May 2021

     We need oxygen to breathe and for people to live on Mars they will need oxygen for respiration. They will also need oxygen to fuel their rockets or astronauts will never be able to return to earth. To blast off the red planet, a rocket would need an enormous quantity of rocket fuel (15,000 lbs) and even a greater quantity of oxygen (55,000 lbs). The goal is to eventually be able to manufacture both oxygen and rocket fuel, in the needed quantities, using Martian indigenous materials. The process to create oxygen has now been tested on Mars and the technology to create rocket fuel is now being developed on earth. Full story explains the processes.

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Elon Musk’s Tunnel Vision

August/September 2021

Elon Musk’s newest idea is to send physical cars, in congested cities, underground so their occupants can move from point A to Point B quickly avoiding the traffic that exists on the local streets above. In Las Vegas Nevada his vision of sending people in cars through tunnels is now a sure bet since the first system with multiple stops is now open and running forty feet below city traffic.

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A Jet Engine Prototype Fueled by Microwaved Ionized Air

January/February 2020

     A recent research laboratory breakthrough created a small prototype jet engine that was powered by a stream of ordinary ionized compressed air. The photo shows you the small jet engine propelling thrust.
     To create thrust from ordinary air the researchers sent the compressed air through a a “2.45 GHz magnetron microwave reaction chamber” where the microwave energy ionized the air, pressurized it, and heated it so it flowed into the engine as 1,000 degree Centigrade (1,832 Fahrenheit) plasma. 

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Augmented Vision through a
Contact Lens
March/April 2021

     The CES 2021 Last Gadget Standing Event winner was the Mojo Vision AR Contact Lens. Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that superimposes computer-generated images or information onto a user's view of the real world. Mojo Vision has actually micro-sized this technology so it fits into a contact lens. See photos 1 and 2. One advantage instantly gained by moving AR so it sits directly over the retina of the eye is automatic eye tracking for proper placement of images and information into images of the real world.

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A Jet Engine that Runs on Ionized Air
A New Type of Contact Lens
Producing Rocket Fuel and Oxygen on Mars
Driving Underground to Avoid Traffic
Understanding the Metaverse
The Ultrasound Postage Sized Patch
Bi-Directional Charging Electric Vehicles
All Past Columns
By Publication Date
Medical Breakthroughs Enhanced by Artificial Intelligence
Sept/Oct 2023

Amazing Medical breakthrough! A UC San Francisco and UC Berkeley medical research team created an AI empowered brain-computer Interface that restored the ability of a paralyzed patient to speak again. The system
decodes speech brain waves gathered by their neuroprosthetic implant and uses ChatGPT to organize her brain speech into cogent words and sentences that are spoken aloud by her digital twin avatar on a computer screen.

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Nuclear Fusion: On the Cusp of an Energy Revolution
November - December 2023

     Our sun is powered by nuclear fusion. Recent scientific fusion breakthroughs have duplicated the sun’s fusion engine here on earth. The next step is to ramp up the technology, so fusion can deliver electricity inexpensively 24 hours a day and seven days a week.
     The nuclear fusion reactor will fuse two light hydrogen atoms into one heavier helium atom in a reaction that releases mega amounts of energy. Nuclear fusion does not produce dangerous radiation and the helium that would be produced is in high demand for industrial processes.

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The Liquid Fueled Electric Car
March - April 2024

     The perfect EV would be as easy to recharge as a gasoline powered car. It would have a battery that runs on an electrofuel. Drive to a transformed gasoline refueling station, stop at the pump, and fill your EV tank with electrofuel.
     A DARPA/Influit Energy breakthrough has recently created nano electrofuel that holds more electricity than the lithium-ion batteries now found in cars. Nano Flowcell, a London Based Company with new office in New York, has recently announced that its Quantino experimental EV that runs on electrofuel will soon go into production.

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Elon Musk’s Neuralink Brain Implant
Receives FDA Approval for Human Trials

January - February 2024

On May 25, 2023 Elon Musk’s Neuralink medical implant received FDA approval to start human trials.  The implant could enable people, paralyzed from the neck down, to operate computers, smartphones and eventually other computer-controlled devices through wireless mind control. After the surgery the computer brain interface will use a self-learning artificial intelligence algorithm to determine which electrical signals control the mental planning of the physical movements of the subject's body parts. These signals will let the patient control a computer wirelessly just with their mind.

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Providing Resources on New & Emerging Tech for Technology Literacy
Alan J. Pierce EdD

Shelley Pierce

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